Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Presenting....the Staircase Snapshot Series!!

Hola everyone! Hey, what do you know? Tomorrow marks our second official last day of college!

It's a little freaky how time whizzes by like a bullet train, right?? Soon it'll be the exams, then the class trip, uni, getting your first paycheck, and before you know it, you'll be carrying two babies in one arm and milk bottles in the other, lamenting the lack of sleep you have to face everyday!!!! What a nightmare! Aaaaagh!

So, procastinate a little and battle time by viewing these lovely pictures taken by *who else??* the amazing camerawoman Darell!

Aww come on, you know you want to...:P

Lol, will you look at Jun Hao's expression??

The emo-kill-me-now shot.

Bad bad Jun Hao! We thought you were good. >=P

The lalamui shot!

Note to self: Kangjie is a bad photographer!! And he has heads inside his bag! (inside joke, harharhar! XD)

Okay, that's all for now!

Cheers people, good luck for A2!!!

We can do it!!

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