Friday, December 19, 2008


askdlfhjkasdfhkljashdf EXAMS ARE COMING WTF. And i jsut spent the last 5 mins staring at an ant that's crawling around on my notes. I didn't kill it Jun Hao, thanks.

spent the past week in good boi study mode. I actually want to try to finish my notes for this exam... so sick of my not preparedness every exam. Grrr, good luck with THAT.

And here i am now, down with a cold. I think it's a cold, rhinitis with that annoying dry back of the throat sensation, no fever headache or arthralgia. So i don't think it's a flu. ~.~

Anyways im posting this at 12.38 pm on friday. I just woke up 20 minutes ago. I've been checking the blog everyday but i didn't know wad to reply for the gathering thing. I think my christmas and new year is gonna be so miserable for all the studying. No matter, I will be happy on Christmas no matter wad im doing lol. Comon lah God's "birthday" tak-kan i sit around bitching right? hahahaa. Okay dont take my last sentence literally, the whole God's birthday thing will send theologians nuts.

Aaaaaanyhow, today was supposed to be packed with shit to do. Like in the morning was supposed to be Clinical Skills Unit(CSU) practice with Nam as our simulated patient(sp). And then Jimmy said that he'd gotten some lecturer to reteach some stuff at 2 pm as well and asked if i wanted to come along. But last nite i finally....succumbed to this congestion. And i thought oh gg la im so screwed and exhausted and now im sick how am i gonna do anything tmr summore need to wake up early and go and whole day packed with shitz zomg zomg zomg die la explode and die now. And then at night after i got home and let my parents fuss over me for abit( about falling sick) then i got a msg from jimmy oh he got the date mixed up its not friday(today) and then nam called and said hey he's sick with a cold too so he can't make it for SP duty lol. Excellent. Just like that at the end of the night I suddenly have a free Friday. Nothing speaks loud and clear like God clearing your schedule nicely for you in one swipe. " Now, I want you to rest tmr. See i've removed whatever u needed to do SO YOU BETTER REST AH CCB." So i slept until 12 o' clock to honour that. Good huh. Ahahaha GET WELL SOON NAM NAM AND THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP IN CSU. All your help i know u did it just for me and end up other ppl also benefit from your generosity and effort. THANKS J00!

three cheers for nam nam : ccb! ppt! ljlpp!

ps : ugh ugh still don't know wad to replace that wall of text description about our class with ----------->

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