Saturday, March 15, 2008

A million miles away but close at heart

The title says it all does it not? Correspondence to our beloved there on british soil, do not despair you are close to us still. Your pain receptors still seem to be wired into our senses; we know how u must be feeling eh. Oh well if its comfort, ironically i havent been able to replace you either so yeah we all want u to haul ass back here lol. It's getting real late here and I'm dying. Just remember don't bother wasting your jokes on those unappreciative, disparaging little buttholes over there; save them all for us we all need a good laugh. And if u got any that require any higher connection skills, Asses and I are all wide open -- toss some at us anytime XD. kk take care till u come back u noob. =D

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